Admins: Launch Anniversary-based Reviews

Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated

To simplify scheduling the Reviews for the upcoming cycle, you can create a review that will automatically launch based on the employees' hiring date anniversaries.

Set up the Anniversary-based Review

To set up a new Anniversary-based review, navigate to Reviews and select the Launch new review button.

Under Timing, select Relative to hire date option to launch review based on employee's hire date anniversary.

  • You have the option to launch the review on the date of the employee's anniversary, or select a number of days to launch the review before or after their anniversary date.
  • The review cycle will run for 12 months from the launch date and participants will be notified when their individual reviews are selected.

Define the remaining options for this Review and Launch the review process. To find out more about the options available, check out our Setup and Launch Reviews article.

Manage Anniversary-based reviews

With this configuration selected, each participant in the review group will have their review launched relative to their hiring date anniversary.

Reviews Immediately Launched

Any participants that should have their review start on the same date that review cycle is launched will be notified immediately. Those participants will be listed in the Progress tab:

Scheduled Reviews

Participants that have their review launch date in the future will be shown in the Scheduled reviews tab, where you can see the date their review is scheduled to launch.

If a participant does not have a hire date set, their review launch date is not set. There two options to remedy this situation:

  • Update the participant's hire date. New or updated hire date anniversary for the review participants will automatically be updated in the Scheduled review tab.
  • Click on the menu next to the participant's name and select Launch now to launch their review immediately.

If a participant's expected launch date is in the past (for example the user joins a department participating in the review after this review was launched), their review launch date is missed. Administrators can select the Launch now menu to launch their review immediately.

Pause/Resume Scheduled Reviews

If for any reason the anniversary-based review needs to be paused, review administrator can do that by navigating to Manage reviews and selecting Pause schedule launching for this review cycle.

When the review is paused, administrator can still launch individual reviews manually. Restarting the paused review will continue sending reviews based on the schedule. Any reviews that were missed while the review was paused can be launched manually by selecting the Launch now option.