Manager 'Ask the Expert': FAQs

Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated

Below are some video resources that may help managers leverage the Paycor Talent Development Features (formerly 7Geese) when engaging with the tool and people on their teams.

Goals & Objectives

How often should managers review progress on individual and team goals?

What happens to an incomplete goal at the end of a quarter?

How do I make the distinction between a challenging goal and a realistic goal?

How can I use my objectives and goals to plan my day-to-day work?

How can I show that my team is doing their best?


How do I lighten up 1-on-1 conversations?

How do I keep the connection in remote 1-on-1s?


How do I recognize employees for everyday wins?

Performance Reviews

How do I prepare for a performance review conversation?

How can managers have tough conversations during reviews?

Career Track

How do I have remote career conversations?

Remote Work

How do I keep motivation levels up when working from home (wfh)?

How can managers ensure the productivity of remote teams?

What do I do if I notice a drop in a team member's productivity or performance since wfh?


How do I be an effective manager through transitions and change, such as the onset of a pandemic?

How do we provide psychological safety?

Tips on navigating mental health and well-being conversations.