Reporting Center

Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated

As an administrator and champion, adoption rate is important as you transition all employees on to effectively and efficiently use the platform. This walkthrough will guide you through accessing usage and engagement data to gain insight into whether employees are staying on track with their quarterly requirements.

Usage & Engagement tab

This is the general information on how your teams are using and engaging with Talent Development. At the top of this page the system presents a summary graphic of how employees are engaging with 4 of the modules that are mostly driven by organic adoption (Objectives, Recognition, 1-on-1s, and Feedback).

The display will take into consideration the time period selected and the people filter (all users, or department-specific), you may include deactivated users. In the table below you can click on the column titles to sort the results.

Typical questions that can be answered in this report include:

  1. When users last interacted with the system.
  2. The total objectives owned, and checked-in (reported on progress)
  3. Received or Gave a Recognition.
  4. 1-on-1s employees have completed as facilitators or participant.
  5. Their engagement with Feedback
  6. Other engagements in the Talent Development Feed in the Performance Dashboard.

Objectives Reporting tab

Objectives reporting helps you understand how many objectives an employee has and its type of participation (Owner, Follower, Stakeholder), how many are active (in Draft, or Comitted), how many are past due (from the reported completion date, and if they are connected to a parent or child objective (aligned vs unaligned), how many are private, many have been checked in or have no status, how many are on track vs off track, and their average progress.

To view more data, select a different cycle or a custom date range at the top of the report. Select Export if you rather analyze this in a .CSV spreadsheet format.

Recognition Reporting tab

The recognition center reporting allows you to see pie and graph visualizations of what core values are most used at any given time. You can also export these results to .CSV and further create reports in a spreadsheet.

Filter by individuals, departments, or by managers to get the results you're looking for.

1-on-1 Reporting

The 1-on-1s insight center will give administrators and managers insight that can help keep teams on track with their performance management processes. You can filter retroactively to past quarters, and across all users regardless of reporting structure.

1-on-1 insights can be gained on the following type of information:

  • Total 1-on-1s a specific user or user-group has completed in the filtered time frame, and filtered template
  • Which managers and users have draft 1-on-1s not finalized
  • How many finalized 1-on-1s each user has completed
  • Creation date of most recent Draft (All Templates)
  • Date most recent 1-on-1 was finalized (All Templates)
  • Number of finalized and draft 1-on-1s for any template setup inside your network
  • Who facilitated versus who the subject was for the last 1-on-1 completed

Note: To gain these insights you have to export the data via .CSV 


People Analytics

Have a birds-eye view of critical talent information in your organization so that you and your leaders can take action on development and retention activities, and your talent management process stays on track.

For a more detailed description of the data there and how it is connected to the Career module: