Staff Summary Report

Paycor Legacy Support

May 8th, 2024 Updated

The Staff Summary report provides you hours, overtime, and cost data for each staff member based on a selected date range. The following columns are included:

  • Staff
    • The full name of the staff member.
  • Staff ID
    • This is based on the Staff Number field which is located within the Profile Details page for each staff member.
  • Scheduled Hours
    • How many hours have been scheduled for each staff member via the Schedule page.
  • Hours Worked
    • The number of hours worked which is calculated using Timesheets page data.
  • Daily Overtime
    • The amount of daily overtime that has been calculated for the date range selected.
  • Weekly Overtime
    • The amount of weekly overtime that has been calculated for the date range selected.
  • Staff Cost ($)
    • The projected amount that is owed to the staff member based on the data generated for the date range selected.


The results of this report can be sorted by clicking on the headers of each column. You can also search for a specific staff member using the search field then clicking the Update button.


In closing, should you want to print this information off, or export the data as a PDF / CSV file, you can do so by clicking the print button or choose from one of the available export options.





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